Kwangmin Park

Professor at Sejong University

About Me

In Seoul, the capital city of the Republic of Korea, where Sejong University is situated, I hold the position of Professor. My name is Kwangmin. The Department of Foodservice Management is where I work. My research focuses on the strategic management of firms in the restaurant sector, and business analytics with big data is one of my interest areas.

I’m looking forward to talking to you!


Sejong University


March 2011 - Present

Sejong Univ.

Inventing the future of restaurants via Data!!

» Teaching Undergrad courses: Strategic MGMT; Business Analytics; MGMT Science; Operations MGMT

» Teaching Grad courses: Research Methodology and others

E-Mart in Shinsegae Group

Controller & Food Procurer

January 2003 - August 2005

E-Mart Web

HMR (Home Meal Replacement) is the RTE (Ready-to-eat) only before my touch

» Controlling the food matiarials from order to distribution

» Managing the price and cost structure

» Analyzing retail data

» Negotiating with supplers

» Developting new products


Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Ph.D. Hospitality & Tourism MGMT

August 2007 - August 2010

Top-ranked programs in hospitality and tourism management all over the world

» Dissertation: Corporate Diversification Strategy and Firm Performance in the U.S. Restaurant Industry Link

» Major Advisor: Dr. SooCheong (Shawn) Jang

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

MS Hospitality & Tourism MGMT

August 2005 - August 2007

Top-ranked programs in hospitality and tourism management all over the world

» Thesis: Financial Leverage and Firm Investment in U.S. Restaurant Firms

» Major Advisor: Dr. SooCheong (Shawn) Jang

Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

BS Food & Nutrition / Interior Architecture & Built Environment (Double Major) and Business (Minor)

March 1996 - February 2003

Pursuing interdisciplinary convergence!!

» Scholarship from the Un-bong Foundation, Seoul, Korea, 2002

» High Honor Student from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2002

» Honor Student from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2001

Honors & Awards

Minister’s Commendation

  • Commendation from Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Korea, December 31st, 2021.

Research Award

  • Award for Distinguished Research Professor, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea, August 25th, 2016.

International Conference Best Paper Award

  • The 9th APacCHRIE Conference, Hong Kong, China, June 5th, 2011.
  • The 15th Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference, In-cheon, Korea (ROK), July 12th, 2009.
  • The 8th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research, Seoul, Korea (ROK), July 9th, 2009.


통알못을 위한 기초통계 1권

Book Website

통알못을 위한 기초통계 2권

Book Website

Professional Membership & Service

International Journal Editorial Board

  • Coordinating Editor (CE) of International Journal of Hospitality Management. 2022. 11 ~ Present.
  • Editorial board member for Journal of Korean Foodservice Association, 2014 ~ 2022.
  • Assistant Editor of International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 2011. 09 ~ 2013. 08.

International Conference Coordinator/Director

  • International Conference Coordinator of 2016 Asia Pacific Tourism Association International Conference
  • International Conference Director of 2015 WHTER & ICES (World Hospitality Tourism Event Research and International Convention Expo Summit)
  • International Conference Coordinator of 2013 TOSOK International Tourism Conference
  • International Conference Coordinator of 2012 TOSOK International Tourism Conference
  • International Conference Coordinator of 2011 TOSOK International Tourism Conference


  • A Cofounding Member of the Korean academic society for the foodservice industry policy. 2014. 11 ~ Present.
  • An Auditor for the Korean academic society for the foodservice industry policy. 2014. 11 ~ Present.
  • A Member of Tourism Science Society of Korea, 2009-Present.
  • A Board member of directors of Tourism Science Society of Korea, 2011. 09 ~ 2013. 08.
  • A Member of Foodservice Management Society of Korea (FMSOK), 2009 - Present.
  • A Member of International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, & Institutional Education (CHRIE), 2008-2011.


Refereed Journal (Accepted & In Press)

  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2022) Do coffee chains have strategic superiority? An examination of the intra-regional and size strategies of coffee chains. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 105, August, 103254. Link
  • Park, K., & Kong, k. (2022) Certification Paradox: Reverse Response on the Non-Hygiene Restaurant Certification. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 51, 268-278. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2021) A study of value-relevance and reliability of intangible assets: What do we know from the restaurant industry? Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 47, 104-113. Link
  • Park, K. (2019) The Effect of Certification Belief and Substitute on Customer Trust between Low and High Brand Equity Restaurants. Food Service Industry Journal, 15, 3, 141-149. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2019) Cash Regimes and the Franchise system: An Extension of the Marginal Value of Cash. Tourism Economics, 25, 2 (March), 235-252. Link
  • Jang, S. & Park, K. (2019) A sustainable franchisor-franchisee relationship model: Toward the franchise win-win theory. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, Part B (January), 13-24. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2018) Is franchising an additional financing source for franchisors? A Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition analysis. Tourism Economics, 24, 5 (August), 541-559. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2018) Pecking Order Puzzle: Restaurant Firms’ Unique Financing Behaviors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 70, March, 99-109. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2017) Is restaurant franchising capital a substitute for or a complement to debt? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 63, May, 63-71. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2016) Revisiting the Carry-over Effects of Advertising in Franchise Industries. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(4), 785-800. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2015) The Cyclical Effect of Advertising: Is reducing restaurant advertising appropriate in periods of economic contraction? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(7), 1386-1408. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2014) Hospitality Finance and Managerial Accounting Research: Suggesting an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(5), 751 - 777. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2013) Effects of Within-Industry Diversification and Related Diversification Strategies on Firm Performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34(September), 51-60. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2013) Capital Structure, Free Cash Flow, Diversification and Firm Performance: A Holistic Analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(June), 51-63. Link
  • Jang, S., Tang, C-H., Park, K., & Hsu, L-T. (2013) Marketing-Finance Interface: A New Direction for Tourism and Hospitality Management. Tourism Economics, 19(5), 1197-1206. Link
  • Jang, S., Ha, J., & Park, K. (2012) Effects of Ethnic Authenticity: Investigating Korean Restaurant Customers in the U.S. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), 990-1003. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2012) Duration of Advertising Effect: Considering Franchising in the Restaurant Industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), 257-265. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2012) Effect of Diversification on Firm Performance: Application of the Entropy Measure. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), 218-228. Link
  • Park, K., & Sydnor, S. (2011) International and Domestic Growth Rate Patterns across Firm Size. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 11(3), 91-107. Link
  • Jang, S., & Park, K. (2011) Inter-relationship between Firm Growth and Profitability. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(4), 1027-1035. Link
  • Park, K., Phillips, W., Canter, D., & Abbott, J. L. (2011). Hospitality and Tourism Research Rankings by Author, University, and Country Using Six Major Journals: The First Decade of New Millennium. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 35(3), 381-416. Link
  • Jang, S., & Park, K. (2011) Hospitality finance research during recent two decades: Subjects, methodologies, and citations. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(4), 479-497. Link
  • Jang, S., Park, K., Lee, J. (2011). Estimating Cashflow-at-Risk: A Comparables Approach for Restaurant Firms. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 52(3), 232-240. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2011). Mergers and Acquisitions and Firm Growth: Investigating Restaurant Firms. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(1), 141-149. Link
  • Park, K., & Kim, J. (2010). The Firm Growth Pattern in the Restaurant Industry: Does Gibrat’s Law Hold? International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 10(3), 49-63. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2010). Firm Growth Patterns: Examining the Associations with Firms Size and Internationalization. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(3), 368-377. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2010). Insider Ownership and Firm Performance: An Examination of Restaurant Firms. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(3), 448-458. Link
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. (2010). Financial Leverage and Firm Investment in the Restaurant Industry: The Moderating Effect of Tobin’s q. Journal of Foodservice Management Society of Korea, 13(1), 255-277. Link

Conference Proceedings

  • Park, K., & Jang, S. A three-dimensional approach to strategic emotional labor: Revisiting surface acting and deep acting. Proceedings of The 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference, Hong Kong, May, 2019.
  • Seo, D., Yang, I., & Park, K. The Antecedents and Consequences of Emotional Labor in Flight Attendants: The Differences between Short and Long Haul Flight. Proceedings of The 17th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Auburn, Alabama, January, 2012.
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. Capital Structure, Free Cash Flow, Diversification and Firm Performance: A Synthetic Analysis. Proceedings of The 9th APacCHRIE Conference, Hong Kong, June, 2011.
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. Ambiguity of M&A Effect: Does M&A Really Bring Firm Growth? Proceedings of The 15th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Chantilly, Virginia, January, 2010.
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. The Effect of Insider Ownership on Firm Performance: An Examination of Restaurant Firms. Proceedings of The 15th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Conference, In-cheon, Korea, July, 2009.
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. Firm Size-Growth Puzzles: Examining the U.S. Restaurant Industry. Proceedings of The 8th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research, Seoul, Korea, July, 2009.
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. The Firm Growth Pattern In The Restaurant Industry: Does Gibrat’s Law Hold? Proceedings of The 2008 ICHRIE Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, January, 2008.
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. Are International and Domestic Restaurant Firms Different? Growth Rate Pattern Across Business Sizes. Proceedings of The 14th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July, 2008.
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. Financial Leverage and Firm Investment: The Moderating Effect of Tobin’s Q in the Restaurant Industry. Proceedings of The 13th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Orlando, Florida, January, 2008.
  • Park, K., & Jang, S. Ownership Structure and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence in Restaurant Industry. Proceedings of The 12th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, Texas, January, 2007.